Are you related to us? We’re almost certainly twelfth cousins or closer. If English is your first language then we quite probably share a common ancestor who lived within the last five hundred years. Perhaps we can identify the link? Several hundred surnames figure in our family trees, and as time allows we’re gradually expanding our knowledge. This page lists the surnames only of those who were direct ancestors of ours: you can follow the links to find out what we know of them.
Our family name, Partington, is common in Lancashire and the north-west of England generally, especially in Bolton – which is where John’s forebears come from. It derives from the village of ‘Partington’ near Manchester.
John’s mother’s maiden name was Pavey. The family moved to London in the second half of the nineteenth century from Dorset and Devon, where the earliest ancestor that we’ve found so far is Leonard, who married in 1752.
Liz’s maiden name was Brettell. Although there have been some Brettells in England since surnames began, most bearers of the name are descended from Huguenot settlers, especially some families of glass-blowers who settled in the West Midlands. However, Liz’s ancestors appear not to be related to those families, and the earliest we’ve yet found was a baker in Salisbury in the mid eighteenth century.
Liz’s mother’s maiden name was Bennett. Members of this family were prosperous farmers in Gloucestershire for many centuries. The name is derived from the personal name ‘Benedict’.
Our other known ancestors’ surnames are: Andrade, Arnold, Ashcroft, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Beard, Bellamy, Blood, Brain, Burrows, Bussell, Carrick, Carter, Cause, Clark(e), Coates, Collins, Combes, Cooe, Cook, Corbett, Cullimore, Davison, Deavol, Dew, Dimmery, Durham, Ellacott, Everard, Far, Ford, Fowler, Gardner, Gazard, Greenhalgh, Hall, Harding, Hardman, Hathaway, Heath, Heathcoate, Hobbs, Holden, House, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurst, Hydon, Jackson, Jonas, Jones, Keen, Kimbell, Kimber, Kimberlin, Lawrence, Lee, Limbrick, Littlemore, Lomax, Long, Loveland, Manning, Mason, McConnell, Meyer, Mobbs, Morer, Mott, Mousley, Murkin, Nalder, Northam, Nun, Ormerod, Pegg, Poole, Potts, Powell, Proctor, Rodrigues, Russell, Salamon, Savidge, Scovell, Shipp, Simmonds, Smith, Story, Symonds, Thorn, Tiffin, Tyler, Vaughton, Wade, Ward, Waring, Warr, White, Whitehead, Whittle, Wilkins, Wood, Wright.
John’s stepfather’s surname is Alexander. His ancestors’
surnames include: Anderson, Brown, Connell, Dickie, Donaldson,
Hall, Howie, Lambie, Lindsay, Mackmath, Orr, Paterson, Picken, Reid,
Rennie, Shaw, Sloan, Watt.
Some families from whom we aren’t (as far as I know) descended, but which intermarried with some of the above familes, are surnamed Isaac and Neale.
I’ve not researched my step-family very much, but part of it (my step-father’s mother’s ancestors) has been fairly fully researched by others, and can be found on the web here.