Additions, Corrections & Enquiries: It may be that you know more than I do about this family, in which case I’d be glad if you’d share your information with me. It may be that I know more than you do, in which case I’ll be happy to let you know more. Either way, please feel free to contact me. Links: You can navigate within this document, and also find details of some of our other family members, by following the links in the text below. And for other websites with details of the Cater family, try here. Privacy: None of the information in these notes is less than a century old. For more recent details of our family, feel free to ask me direct. Tree: A pedigree of the individuals in these notes is also viewable in tree form, here. Revision: The text on this page was last revised in August 2018. |
notes by P John Partington
WILLIAM CATER (bef. 1660 - 1690)
William’s son John married Dionis Ireland at Great Munden on 27 February 1700/1 and had two children, William, born in 1702 and Ann in 1704 (details below, page 1). John was a yeoman farmer, tenant of High Trees, one of the three principal farms in Great Munden, and as such did his turn in parish office (churchwarden and overseer of the poor). John Cater died at High Trees in 1733 and was buried on 16 April at St Nicholas, Great Munden. Dionis died in 1742 and was also buried there.
William also had children Thomas, George, Robert, Anne and Jane.
THE CHILDREN OF JOHN (bef. 1685 - 1733)
John’s son William
was born in 1702, being baptized on 7 September. He married Mary Rayment on 26
January at Bengeo, Hertfordshire, and had six children: Mary
baptized in 1727, Dionis in 1729, Anne in 1731, William in 1734, John
in 1736 and another Anne in 1741 (details below, page 2).
Like his father he was a yeoman farmer, tenant of High Trees.
He died in 1768.
WILLIAM (1702 - 1768)
William’s second child, Dionis was born in 1729 and baptized in Great Munden on 2 September. She married William Warwick at Great Munden on 20 November 1755 and had six children, including Mary, born in 1757. Nothing further is yet known of her.
William’s third child, Anne, was baptized on 26 August 1731. She died in 1733, being buried at St Nicholas’.
An extract from the Little Munden parish website gives further details of our ancestor William (d. 1690):
On 19 July 1690, William Cater “of Great Munden” was buried in the churchyard at Little Munden. He had made his Will on 15 July and on 23 July, as was then required, two of his neighbours compiled a valuation and inventory of his property. The Will does not specify where he was living when he died but it was almost certainly High Trees. The inventory shows that it was a substantial property with at least ten rooms and several outbuildings and and William’s son John was undoubtedly in occupation of High Trees early in the eighteenth century. The Caters came to dominate Great Munden. By the late 19th Century, after a change of surname to Cooper, following inheritance by a son-in-law, the family were occupying High Trees, Mundenbury, Brockholds and Parsonage Farm. The vestry (ie the parish council) by then consisted just of the Rector and three members of the Cooper family.
William’s Will was a last minute affair: He signed by mark, indicating physical frailty, even though it can be assumed that, as a wealthy yeoman farmer, he could read and write ... The Will is internally incomplete and inconsistent. It looks to me as if some lines were accidentally left out when the final version for signature was written. Nevertheless, it shows that he had a son, William, probably by a first marriage, who was by 1690 independent of his father. He also had four sons (John, Thomas, George and Robert) and two daughters (Anne and Jane) by his widow. John, evidently the senior son, and his mother were named as his executors and duly swore probate at the Huntingdon Archdeaconry Court. Apart from his household goods, which went to his widow, he divided his moveable property equally among the six children. Interestingly. the Will specified that Thomas’s share was to be paid by his executors one year after William’s death, George’s share one year later and so on until Jane’s share five years later. This undoubtedly reflected anticipated problems of cash flow.
The Inventory ... has a number of interesting features. No books, not even a Bible, are inventoried. If this was typical of yeomen farmers at that time it may explain the eccentric spelling. ...
There is a curious absence of cooking and eating utensils. I doubt whether William and his household ate off pewter, except on special occasions. And the kitchen would be the last place where I would have expected to find a chamber pot, or indeed a fowling piece. It may be that cooking and eating utensils were included in the “lumber” found in several rooms. Table cloths and napkins were, however, plentiful.
William had less than £10 in his purse when he died and no financial investments. This may not be surprising. Most rents and other major purchases and payments were at the quarter days. At the time of his death the June quarter day had passed and by the Michaelmas quarter day the harvest would be in. Whilst some of the farmstuffs appearing in the Inventory may have been for his household’s consumption, most presumably would have been sold.
The Will does not specify or point to burial at Little Munden. My research suggests that the Caters were a Little Munden family who moved (in quite a big way) to Great Munden in the latter part of the 17th century. If so, William was taken “home” to be buried. That quite often happened at that time when people had moved from parish to parish.
[A detailed inventory follows]
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